「ひとのこと」に思いを馳せる (blog by HR professional)

日系、外資系企業で人事 (Human Resources) のプロフェッショナルとして「ひとごと」に向き合い、人の感情を受け止め、人の成長に感動してきました。その視点を通して、人と組織の成長に思いを馳せる「ひとごと」のごった煮ブログ。二児のパパでイクメン5級の修行中。

優れたリーダーシップ - Excellent Leadership





「どんな」をHOW で置き換えたら、100人のリーダーには100通りのスタイルがある。そこに絶対的な方法はなくて、日々試行錯誤の連続だと思う。





三つ目はドラッカーも言っている人としての真摯な態度 Integrity。単に情に厚く誠実というだけではなく、言行が一致しているブレない誠実な態度こそが、その人のリーダーとしての器を決める。そこに信頼が生まれる。


日本でも仕事における大切な要素として、知・情・意 が良く語られていますが、優れたリーダーにはその3つが高い次元で必要とされている、ということなんだろうな、と感じるこの頃です。









Thinking of Excellent Leadership, what does it mean to you?  If I was asked style of leadership, my answer is thousands of ways.

If, however, asked about capability, my answer is that it is to build strength for the growth from business context.


Then, there are 3 elements central to excellent leadership in the company.

First, functional expertise and strategic approach to enhance organizational capability are business imperative for long term growth as intellectual part.

Second, broader perspectives across value chain and commitment to great services/products create influences to management decision.  In other words, eyes of president and strong will to drive initiatives for entire business not for own function.  Even if the leader concluded the most persuasive option is to shrink its own organization, excellent leader has strong will to implement it.

And third, integrity is prerequisite to excellence in order to build up trust as Dracker said.  Imagine boss who is greatly knowledgable to certain area, but is arrogant to and threat others with abuse of authority.  You can agree no one can follow that boss from the bottom of one's heart, while others may pretend to obey.  There is no trust and integrity.


In Japan, it has been long said great work needs three factors within the business professional.  Intellect, Emotion, and Strong Will.  I now understand that excellent leader is required to have those at high standard.


I believe HR can drive and at least contribute to find and develop talents with such excellent leaderships and put them in the right key position.  This is challenge but most exciting HR responsibility to business growth.  That's the reason I'm really willing to commit my career in HR.


What's your definition of excellent leader?  There is no perfect, right answer nor wrong one.  So it worth exploring own perspective and interestingly, that may change overtime.


Have a nice day!